Saturday, 18 August 2012


Pails are filling. Come and get 'em! We are open Friday to Monday as long as I am home (sometimes we've gone swimming in the creek and occasionally we even need groceries...), so phone in advance and make sure we're around. We'd love to see you!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

2012 Honey Sales

We should have fresh honey for sale in a couple of weeks!

Our honey is a clover/alfalfa blend which produces a white honey with a mild flavour. We do not process our honey more than what is required to get it into containers. It is kept at natural hive temperatures or cooler at all times. Prior to filling containers the honey is allowed to settle which lets large particles (mainly wax) float to the top of the honey tank. We then pass the honey through a screen to remove any last wax and bee bits. It satisfies the requirements for "raw" food, as far as I know.

If you come out to the farm to pick up honey, it may still be liquid so be careful the containers don't tip over on your way home! By the beginning of September, most of the honey will have started to crystallize into its natural state (the liquid honey you buy in the supermarket is heat-treated and filtered to retain its liquid consistency).

2012 prices are:
7 kg (15 lbs 7 oz) $38.00
3 kg (6.6 lbs) $22.00
1 kg (2.2 lbs) $9.00

Farm Gate sales are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday - anytime. BUT please call in advance to make sure we're not down at the creek!
E-mail: modestecreekhoney at gmail DOT com
Phone: (780) 542-2556

Positive energy from a local honey house - Drayton Valley Western Review - Alberta, CA

We were recently featured in the local newspaper for a grant we received from the Alberta government Growing Forward Program along with friends from Dandelion Renewables who installed our solar photo-voltaic system. We are now generating 5 kV of electricity from the sun! Very cool. And very neat to watch our energy usage on the software that is included with the installation.

Positive energy from a local honey house - Drayton Valley Western Review - Alberta, CA